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Via Vittorio Veneto
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+39 02 4519561
Company description

A specialist in manufacturing position transducers for industrial automation, ELAP offers advanced solutions for operating machines of any field, including the packaging and food industries.

ELAP equipments are thoroughly engineered, manufactured and tested in-house. With a competent staff and a know-how achieved in over 50 years of experience, Elap offers its customers high quality products and qualified sale service. The technical and commercial experts support the customers in the choice of the most effective solution for each application, developing tailored products, if necessary. ELAP portfolio includes an extensive array of position transducers:

  • absolute and incremental encoders;
  • linear potentiometers;
  • digital and magnetic linear transducers;
  • wire encoders and potentiometers.

A series of instruments dedicated to counting, visualising, positioning and process control is also included. In addition to its own equipments ELAP is the exclusive distributor in Italy of a series of products from major foreign manufacturers, including:

  • Althen (NL) rotary potentiometers and industrial joysticks;
  • Wilcoxon Sensing Systems (US) vibration sensors;
  • Shinkawa (JP) monitoring systems; • Shanghai Vigor Technology (CN) tilt sensors.

elap gammatrasduttori


Absolute encoders with fieldbus

MEM-Bus encoders offer a wide choice of communication protocols, from EtherNet/IP, EtherCAT, Profinet and IO-Link protocols to Profibus and CANopen fieldbuses. Thanks to their interconnectivity characteristics, they are ideal components for integration in IIoT systems.Encoder bus

MEM-Bus EtherNet/IP, EtherCAT and Profinet encoders avail respectively on ODVA, EtherCAT Technology Group and PNI compliance certificates and the UL Listed safety mark, which certifies the compliance of products with the strictest safety regulations in force in Canada and the United States.

The encoders of 58 mm diameter have many mechanical variables: round or square flange, and solid or hollow shaft for motor coupling. MEM40B, with CANopen or IO-Link protocol, is the smallest among Elap absolute encoders. With very reduced dimensions (40 mm diameter), the encoder offers all the functionalities typical of 4.0 sensors . The encoder MEM40B CANopen is UL Listed certified for the USA and Canada.

Absolute wire encoders with fieldbus interface

The combination of the MEM-Bus encoders with wire mechanics makes it possible to obtain absolute measuring systems with strokes from 2.3 to 15 metres.

Available in two sizes, the WPS and WDS wire encoders combine the functionalities of wire systems, such as the robustness and extension of the strokes, with advantages in terms of safety, precision and interconnectivity guaranteed by fieldbus communication protocols.

wds wps rit


Linear potentiometers

The range offers a wide choice of models with different dimensions and strokes from 25 to 950 mm.

Different accessories are available - ball joints, return springs, feeler pin - for adapting to every type of application.

elap gamma potenziometri
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