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A well-selected commodity index of the industry - subdivided into Sections, Categories, Sub-Categories and Products - facilitates the search for suppliers capable of meeting a wide variety of process and packaging needs.

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In the spotlight

  • CO&MA is a partner company of SIS.MA Srl, with twenty years of experience in the field of marking, coding, labelling, identification and control.
  • The Ricrea Consortium ensures the recycling of steel packaging, comprising tins, spray cans, tops and capsules, drums and tubs, gift packing tins.
  • Packaging and end of line: this is the core business of PRL Tecnosoft, Brescia-based company that has always been working alongside the main food…
  • Labelpack has been operating in the automatic labelling sector for over thirty years and stands out for the quality and longevity of the machines…
  • Etipack - Systems of excellence for labeling and coding with self-adhesive labels, friction feeders and pick and place solutions intended for…
  • On the flexible packaging market since 1971, SIT Group has accrued a remarkable stock of experience in converting packaging destined for the food and…
  • With more than 50 years of activity, Famar Tec is a leader in the design and construction of automatic machines for primary and secondary packaging…
  • Eidos - High tech and reliability in a leading international group.
  • Brofind® is specialized in the treatment of volatile organic compounds contained in the emissions of industrial processes.

Buyer's Guide

packbook 2023-2024
