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Manufacturers of materials, machines and components are listed alphabetically to make it easier to locate suppliers.

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Starting with the two FOOD/NON FOOD macro categories, companies on the database indicate the predominant target sector for their products / machines / services.

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A well-selected commodity index of the industry - subdivided into Sections, Categories, Sub-Categories and Products - facilitates the search for suppliers capable of meeting a wide variety of process and packaging needs.

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In the spotlight

  • PRL Tecnosoft: at the service of your production
  • Based in Pogliano Milanese for over 50 years, Ticinoplast extrudes blown polyethylene film for food, medical and industrial packaging.
  • CO&MA is a partner company of SIS.MA Srl, with twenty years of experience in the field of marking, coding, labelling, identification and control.
  • A specialist in manufacturing position transducers for industrial automation, ELAP offers advanced solutions for operating machines of any field,…
  • ALTECH - Advanced Labelling Technologies - is a leading European manufacturer of self-adhesive labelling systems for decorating, codifying and…
  • Since 1919 Scandolara is between the European leaders for the production of Aluminium and Polyethylene tubes for the packing of pharmaceutical,…
  • Amarc produces cast aluminum or bronze heating. Used as component of the hot part of packaging machines (forming - filling - closing (HFFS and VFFS)…
  • Verimec has been present in Italy since 1985 and is part of Massilly group, European leader in the tinplate packaging sector, in particular for the…
  • On the flexible packaging market since 1971, SIT Group has accrued a remarkable stock of experience in converting packaging destined for the food and…

Buyer's Guide

packbook 2023-2024
